Friday, December 31, 2004

"Last Day of '04"

And here we are at the end of the year (already?!?). Gee is seems like this has been a short year. Before I know it I'll have a vacation due again. 'Think there'll be some major housecleaning done in that week. Just open up the shed doors and start throwing stuff into the back of a pick up and haul it off! If it's been there for 5 years, then we just don't need it!

They say whatever you're doing on the 1st. of the year you'll do ALL year. That's good as I'll be working, so I guess that means I'll have a job ALL year! Hey? In these days and times you never know.

Thanks to everyone who has been reading and supported my blogger sites this year! I've had a lot of help with it, and for that I am truely appreciative! (A special thanks to Pete Shorette who continues to let me use his image-hosting site free of charge!)
May this upcoming year be better for all of us, and The World at Large. May we all keep healthy and sane and absent of sorrow, and may we all remain that way always.



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