Saturday, May 06, 2006

"2006 Vacation: Day 1"

And so begins my vacation time for this year, and today is also Derby Day with the running of the 132nd. Churchill Downs Race.

I didn't place any bets this year, but the horse I was hoping would win, actually did "show", and that being Steppenwolfer, who came in 3rd. Gee...that's three or four years now that the horse I've picked has come in in the first three. Maybe I need to get to "the track" more often!

And today also was Free Comic Book Day, but, naturally, I didn't get to go to it. Really wanted to as my local comic shop was also having a Sidewalk Sale and everything 20% off in the store. But, as things go, I went there last weekend and could really afford to go today. Plus, my wife really had her heart set on going to the "City Wide Yard sale" event in a local town. So we drove there instead, fighting the maddening crowds, and she bought a few craft items she wanted and we walked around for probably three hours until the both of us were exhasted.

I spent the grant total of one dollar, and that ona pair of "Giant Hulk Hands" that made a noice when you hit them together (released as a toy item when the flick came out a few years back). The only other items I picked up was a McDonald's toy of "The Thing"(FF character) that slammed his fists together and a noice of "smacking" being made, plus a "Gambit"(X-Men) action figure; both of which were actually free in a box marked as such of just some stuff someone at one of the yard set-ups was trying to get rid of.

Then we came home, stopping by a gas/grocery mart along the way to pick up a snack for lunch. When we got home, my wife took a short nap before work time (she had to go in at 2PM), and I rested a little, then went outside and began, once again, to scrape and repaint the white woodwork around the house. I worked on this, non-stop, for a good four hours today, but did indeed get quite a bit of it finished.

I almost picked up a gallon of green roofing paint today so I could do the front metal roof as well, but the hardware store we stopped at was, I thought, too expensive ($26. for a gallon), so I suppose it's Wallyworld if I get the chance tomorrow for that. And, after I get all of the outside painting finished, I'll be lying a new sidewalk in the front of the house. That's be around 12' long, and it's a job I've never tried before, but I do know the basics of it. And I'll do a section at a time. probably by the third or forth section, I'll get it right! (*heh*)

And basically, that ALL of the work I plan to do this week around here. After all, I'm suppose to be resting on vacation...right?


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