Wednesday, November 19, 2008

"Post No. 576"

Found four more different J. T. Chick tracts I didn't have, which now brings the number of them in my collection of such to 90 (counting variations and foreign language editions). I really do wish that I had a complete listing of all of the titles that have been published. And, if anyone has any duplicates that you want to sell I'll pay $1. each for the ones I don't have. Plus, I do have a handful of duplication of the titles around and will trade those 1-for-1 for those that I need.

Eventually I'll get around to listing the ones that I have in my own collection just for readers to see the diversity of the material Chick has presented.

Got a good deal the other day on an eBay win when I copped a VG copy of the 1973 DC Swamp Thing V1 #1 for a mere $3. I've been attempting to recomplete a set for my current collections (probably the 3rd. such I've had over the years) of at least the first 10 Berni Wrightson issues, and this will leave me now with only #'s 2 & 4 to complete it. 'Couse I don't presently have a copy of the House of Secrets #92 prototype story (outside of multiple reprints).

Also fell into a lot of 10 issues of DC's Our Fighting Forces from the 1970's which I had bidded on due to it containing the first five issues that Jack Kirby did in the lot (#'s 151 thru 155), which will leave me still with 6 issues to complete his run (156 thru 161), but I got these 10 books somewhat cheaper than my usual comic shop was asking for just 3 of the later Kirby ones. I think this will leave me now with only 10 of the 1970's DC Kirby comics to complete everything (that I know of) which he did for the company, save for the two magazines (In The Days of The Mob, and Spirit World, both of which are fairly costly these days), which are four misc. issues of the Black Magic reprints, and 6 issues of Our Fighting Forces (having completed all of the better stuff he did some time back).

(And, no...I won't be trying for all of the 1970's Marvel Comics he produced.)

In other news... eBay's pissed me off due to their limiting of the postage rates I can charge for mailing paperback lots. I mail everything priority because I trust it more, but do combind postage to give the buyer the best deal on it. However, when I take a priority box of even 6 paperbacks to mail, the cost would be at least $10. since the P.O. won't send them media mail. eBay won't allow over $4. to mail such things and I'd lose my shirt on postage, so I thought I'd just have to lot out 100+ pbs to either some dealer or back-issue book store. But I got around that by simply listing them in OTHER catagories. Instead of say, putting the "Mat Helm" pbs in fictional books, I stuck them in movie memorabilia, etc., and out of 6 lots was able to actually list five of them. Still can't figure out a good catagory to list some copies of "The Coxeman".)

And, in case you're wonder what "Stan the Man lee's up to these days, This link might prove interesting.

Moving right along..the guy that's replacing all of this old wiring in the house finally came today and got started on that. Looks like he'll have that done in just 2 or 3 days and that'll be yet another improvement to this old place.

And lastly today, I have now added that enormous additional listing of foreign Beatles app.'s to my "Beatles & Bizarros" blog site; some 750 additional listings (although there's some duplication of those published in the U.S.A.), and I want to personally thank my new friend from Italy, Fabio Schiavo for this information! This now brings the number of app.s from all over the globe to around 1,000!!


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