"Post No. 725"
I wouldn't call myself a die-hand fan of Robert Kirkman's work, but I have to admit that I've enjoyed every comic book of which he's associated that I've read thus far, which included a few issues of Image's The Astonishing Wolfman, Britt, and several issues of The Invincible. He writes books and creates characters that are fun to read, and that, to me, is what enjoying comic books is all about. I'm anxious to see the AMC series adapting his "The Walking Dead" (premiering at 9PMCST/10PM Eastern on Halloween night).
The afore mentioned comics were from that larger lot of 80 misc. comics I won recently and finally completed reading. In just yesterday was another lot I'd won of the first 23 issues of the 1980's Capitol/First Comics title, The Badger. During the 1980's there was such an explosion of great titles from alternate publishers it was difficult to keep up with what was "out there" as well as attempting to weed out the really bad ones from the lot, but Badger, written by Mike Baron (who also wrote another title which I thought was excellant called Nexus) was always on my buying list. Along the way through the years most of that '80's stuff got traded off or sold, so it was nice to get the first nearly 2 dozen of those back in my collections. Not a title probably that I'd ever attempt to complete (I think there was nearly 80 issues total), but definately worth having and re-reading here nearly 30 years down the road.
I had today off from work and having finished up my mowing last night (for hopefully one of the very few times I'll have to do that chore for the rest of the year), I had some free time and took my mother to buy her a new pair of shoes, did some housework and grocery shopping, posted some songs over on my Facebook page, and generally relaxed a bit. Watched another of the four episodes from a Fantastic Four DVD (which contains 4 different animated shows from 2006). The most modern version of the animated FF is sometimes okay and sometimes so-so. For instance, I can't say I like the hair style on "Johnny - Human Torch - Storm", but the animators seemed to think hair sticking straight up resembles a match flame, and I see no reason why "The Thing" should have the FF symbol painted on his chest (in blue, yet!), but overall, they aren't too bad. The episode I watched today starred "Antman" (Henry Pym, one of Marvel's oldest silver-age characters), and they basterized his appearance by changing his blonde hair to black and giving him a goatee (Geez).
Began re-reading a classic favorite of mine last night, H. Rider Haggard's King Solomon's Mines. Interesting that my 1994 printing has reproductions of the original engravings by Walter Paget. Walter Paget and his brothers were all illustrators in the late 1800's, and one of his brothers used the image of Walter for the first drawn depiction of the character, "Sherlock Holmes".
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