Thursday, March 24, 2005

"Fun & Games"

Here's a neat little game for all you readers to play! Try to get Daffy's 'chute to open! (Such fun!)

I thought I did well with This and This last night on various auction wins. (Can you figure out why I wanted the westerns lot?)

And today I finally completed my bronze-age set of Kirby The Demon by getting in a #11. Didn't really have all "that much" invested in the set of 16 issues, having bought a dozen of them from one dealer as a "lot", then two more I needed at my comic shop and then the other two from on-line auctions. I think I started putting this set together, maybe, back last November.

And being off from work today I went outside and finished getting the yard in order for the approaching mowing season by raking up the last of the leaves, loose tree bark and twigs and the like. Of course, I'll still have to pick up a lot of small limbs and the like before that actually begins because we haven't even had our Spring thunderstorms yet. As much as I like having some large trees in the yard, they ARE a pain and I wouldn't mind having all three of them cut down (or, at least the ones in front), but even so I'd want to leave one of them tall enough for the local squirrels to enjoy and have my feeders for them and all the birds that "expect" a free meal.

This Easter weekend looks to be a wash-out as heavy rains are predicted to move into the area, so there goes all the egg hunts for the kids around here. I really ought to post a pic I have of myself when I was 7 years old and dressed in my smart, white jacket and bowtie, holding my Easter Basket, all decked out for church back around 1959...(but I don't think so! *heh*).


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