Saturday, August 27, 2005

"My Annual Gift Shop Visits"

I'll actually be glad to see the rain start moving in this week locally to cool down things a bit. Last week it was just 75 one day, but it was hard to tell it due to the humidity. Temperatures are supposed to be in the 80's all next week, tho'.

I haven't complained much about the heat this year, even though it's been one of the hottest Summer's I can ever recall. I guess it's because we had such a bitter cold Winter last year that I welcomed any heat at all. And, one thing about not having rain is that I haven't had to mow this lawn as many times. In fact, I don't believe I've mowed it but about 6 or 7 times the whole year. Weeds continued to grow, however (which they'd do no matter "what" the temperatures are).

The local flea market was dead today. Instead, I drove over to the interstate area and visited a couple of our gift shops that are located on The Mammoth Cave Road. I usually do this at least once a year just to see what's new out that way. As I pulled into the parking lot at the first one, I noticed a banner saying "Old Baseball Cards & Comics For Sale". Checking out the comics I saw from 200-300 modern books in various stacks and started looking thru them, to eventually pull out 5 misc. comics. The only book of real interest here may be the Static No.1. Static was the only character from DC's Milestone experiment of the 1990's that caught on. In fact, there was eventually an animated series called "Static Shock" created from the book (which still is shown). It was nice to pick up a copy of this cheap just to have it since it's the first app. of the character.

Went by another gift shop, but nothing interesting; typical stuff they sell to the tourists who come to visit our national park.

Drove by the "Dinosaur Park", and that's pretty neat. They have a huge T-Rex standing in the trees just off the interstate exit that you can actually go right up to. The thing towers a good twenty foot over one's head. And at the entrance to their parking lot is a full-size Tricerotops as well. Their entrance is decorated by other dinosaurs, too. Might be a little costy to get into (at least $6. a person), but I've heard it's well-worth the visit. They may have a "county day" again this year where locals can visit free. If so, I do indeed plan a visit (maybe even take a few pics and post them here).


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