Friday, November 26, 2010

"Post No. 728"

Thanksgiving went well for us this year with my aging mother still in relatively good health. My wife and I went down to her house and I cooked a 8 lb. turkey breast and between mom and my wife, plus items brought by my Aunt Sally and Cousin Leslie, we enjoyed a nice meal. In fact. I overate and ended up with indigestion and after I came home had to take a couple of Tums and lie down for a good two hours.

Today was Black Friday for us in retail and a very hectic day, not just with the many customers, but both I and one other person was attempting to order items for the store from the wholeside side and restock shelves, but it seemed like everytime I turned around I had to stop what I was doing to do "something else" for someone. But I did finally manage to get the tools out in my section of the store and we called an extra employee in to help on the register so we could get caught up a bit. Sales were down, naturally, but not as bad as they could have been. Still it's nothing like the days about 10 years past when we'd do $7-10K and had 6 or 7 people all running around like chickens with their heads cut off trying to help the customers.

Won a few issues of HULK V2 which will just about complete a set from 92-111 giving me the run of "Planet Hulk/World War Hulks" at last. Expect them in soon. I still haven't gotten to my regular comic book shop and that's been 2 years last August the last time I visited there.

Finally have started work on the 6th. issue of that lmt. series that I've worked on now for the past (almost) 2-1/2 years. Most of it's in pencils so even if I do finish the first 6 issues before the end of the year it'll take another good year just to ink the thing. In the meantime, I have another project I want to work on that I'm getting antsy about.

Woke up to ice and snow some this morning and frigid temperatures. Yesterday it was in the 70's and today it barely got into the 40's. "Supposed" to warm up this weekend.

My leaves are gone now. Cold weather's on its way.


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